Monday, March 7, 2011

Cayman Brac Second

Ok the moment you've been patiently waiting for...
(Well I hope you've been patient...Id hate to have thrown your life into upheaval !!)
Lets begin shall we?

(Thank you Sculpture Goddess....)
(For holding my sunglasses !!)

(When Anarchy gets turned upside down...)

(Yeah LOGO !!!)

       The "Egg" House.  : :                                                           
(Do you know whats stranger than an "Egg" house?)

(The BACK of an "Egg" house  !!! )

(  )

( Sea Sponge ?)


(NOT even close....)
(That was a terrible guess...)
(OBV its a Coconut !)

(  )

(For anyone I told my "Special Ocean Experience" to...)
(This is where it happened...)
(Ill never forget you wont either...)

(Ooooo Lovely)
(Good to know that Cayman Brac ALSO sports GARBAGE)

(Wait maybe this is the "Bottle Recycling Area")
(Oh wait No its not...)
(Grand Cayman doesn't recycle...)
(Silly me to have forgotten..)
(Thanks for the reminder !)
(I guess I cant complain too much...)
(At least theres no syringes on this beach....)

(  )

(  )

(I have no idea what this is...)
(My first thought was that is was some strange artistic crack vile..)
(What do you think?)

( Oy Vey )
(Thats Hebrew for "Fu*k Me)
(Hi Jenn and Becky....!!!)

         Grand Cave : : 
(  )

(  )

(The Ninja also emits Rays of Light)
(She's just FULL of surprises!)

                               This next picture needs a little bit of an intro....
                 So after the Cave we hopped into the car and headed to the
                        much talked about Cayman Brac LightHouse....Its listed in the
                              tourist pamphlets and on the internet...So Naturally we were excited...
             And then we got there....and saw this.....(Ive asked the Ninja to stand in to better
               illustrate the immense shock and awe we were met with.....)
(Thats it)
(It was about 15 feet tall.)
(And all of the electronic 'guts' had been removed)
(It must be VERY effective.)
(This Lighthouses's claim to fame should be...)
(Worlds SMALLEST most UNIMPRESSIVE Lighthouse ever built)

The Booby Birds : :
These birds are mostly exclusive to the Bluffs of Cayman Brac
(And yes....I am aware of their....most interesting name...)
(Thats why I put a picture of it up so that you would know I was being a
certified 'reporter' and not a pervert who likes the word "Boobie")
(  )

(Look at those floppy duck feet...)

                The Chic : :                                                We were fortunate enough to come across a
                                                          Little Baby Booby (I could have a field-day with this...) ...
                                              Probably because as we were walking the empty trail around the bluffs
                                        The Ninja said "All I want is to be able to take picture of a little Booby family"
                                              And God said...."Ok no problem Ninja" ......  And there you have it ....
(At first glance she looked like she had a turtle face...)
(Yes Ive declared it a She)
(I don't want to have to refer to it as "It")
(And If I called it a He...I might be considered Sexist)

(And then She turned sideways...look at that monster beak!)
(It looks all 'beat up' already...)

(And those bright blue eyes...)

( Its so Fluffy Im gunna die !!)
(Xeila !!! Say it !!)
( "Despicable Me" Reference )
(Watch it...cute flick)
(I also love his accent and try to replicate it all the time...)
(In case you were wondering...)

( As a girl turns into a woman )


(Sitting on her nest)
(We think...)

(Another Mom..)
(Looks like we just missed mating season)
(Boobys in Heat)
(Two Boobys getting it on...)

(  )

( Dear Blue Ocean)
(Thank you for being such a wonderful contrast for my picture)
(Love Sara)

As I got closer to the chic...She started to get upset...And let out a Silent cry
 Thank goodness for 'Rapid Fire Photography'
(  )

(  )

(Ok....the funniest thing about this picture is that I just now realize
that I have taken the same one before...)
(Meaning that this "Bastard Strawberry" must really amuse me..)
(Yeah Yeah I know..)
(Im easy)

                        Skull Cave : :                                  They named it this because the outside
                                                                  mouth of the cave slightly resembles a Skull....
( 1 )

( 2 )

( 3 )

(  )

(  )

               Cayman Brac University : :                      
(I looks pretty small...)
(Thats what I thought and then I went around to the other side and saw that......)

(It was even SMALLER than I thought !!!)
(We had a good laugh about it...)
(It was a wonderful ending to a wonderful trip..)
(Thank you Ninja....)

(  )

(Little Cayman at night...)

(  )


(Thank God the Ninja and I got compensated on the trip back by being moved into...)
(First Class !!!)
(See we got a 60 year old cooler and an empty bottle of water...!!)
(Whose luckier than us !!)

(Grand Cayman ...)
(I think that this was West Bay)

(  )

So apparently I went Italic there for a while...
I kind of like it!
I know that your upset that the Cayman blogs are over...
There will be one more "Bonus Track" if you will...
A special display of the Ninjas photos...
With an AMAZING model !!!

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