Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Farmers Market....

Ahhh...the Farmers Market...
How this place reminded me of home...
Well... it was really just the.....

(....the Donuts..)
(In case you couldnt figure out what thats a picture of..)
(And if you couldn't..well...)
(Your missing out)
(There is NOTHING better than Fresh Donuts and Cold Apple Cider..)
(I wish I was eating some right now...)

(A woman in her 'For Sale Garden')

            So in the 'Big Tent' there were all the entries and ribbon winners for a large array of contests.
                   This was an 'Art in All Forms' contest.....
                            (Yes I made that name up...but its pretty accurate)
( Im not sure what the things on the bottom are...)
(They almost look like those silly little cell-phone chairs)
(But I HIGHLY doubt thats their purpose)

(I have no Idea what this is)
(There was a booth with old random antiques)
(Im gathering that it is some type of measuring device?)
(But thats as far as I got...)

(The fruit..remember?)
(Im not going to lie)
(The inside of it kind creeps me out a little...)

(This is a root of some sort)
(The kind is irrelevant)
(And Ill tell you why)
(I was about to delete this picture until I noticed something under the yellow ribbon)
(Go ahead....)
(Can you see it?)
( It looks like a bottom...)
(Like someone bent over on their knees...)
(Ok I think you get it...)
(Maybe THATS why It won a ribbon!)

(This is a...)

(What you cant read that?)
(Its a YAM)
(Ive never seen a Yam before...)
(They look.....hum...)

(  Bananas  )
(Nothing crazy here...)
(Just a pic of Bananas)

(This was cool)
(A hot pepper - filled Grand Cayman)
(VERY creative)

(  )

(Sometimes you just need to sleep)

(But I don't have the
(I guess you'll never know)

                                                        (There was also a "Petting Zoo")
(Which consisted of 3 Goats....)
(Who clumped together in the middle of the pen so you could ALMOST reach them)

(But not quite)


(  )

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(The CUTEST thing in the world ever...)
(This little baby Goat thought that the Ninja's finger would give it milk...)

             Warning.....this part is Disturbing.....                   But I have to post it....
(Poor pig)
(In a tiny cement box)
(With barely any food...Or space)

(They stick babies in there also.)

( )

(But they were cute as hell....)
(All snuggly)

(Ok this was the saddest one of all....)
(This pig had to be about 100000 tons...)
(In the same tiny he didn't even have room to turn around)

(  )

(Ok so this is what I warned you about...)
(I put it in black as white so it wasn't AS offensive)
(Not that it helped at all)
(This is his bottom...and his...well his 'Man Parts')
(And he has abscesses all over his skin...)
(Basically hes dying and instead of putting him out of his misery...)
(They're squishing him into a cage to possibly win some stupid ribbon.)
(Obv Im very upset about this...)
(Its like the time I saw the Elephants at the circus...)
(But thats a whole other blog..)

                            Alright Alright....enough gross-depressivness......

(This is a rooster)
(He looks awfully wise doesn't he?)

(  )

(  )

(I put this pic up only because I have never seen a black and white patterned goat before)
(This line reminds me of a line from 'Billy Madison')
(Know which one?   )
(Well watch it and figure it out!!)


(Holy Tongue!!)

(Why the Long Face?)

(Number 84)
(Im sure he wanted an earring right there..)
(They could have AT LEAST put some diamonds on it!)

(  )

(Yeah American Cow !!!)
(Get it?)
(Because his harness thing is red white and blue?)

( This is a PERFECT spiraling hair pattern...)

(They really do have beards..)
(What do you mean you don't believe me?)
(There is photographic proof right there!!)
(Stop being difficult)

(And they also have lips...)

(  )

(In case you wanted to see a horn up close)
(It is a horn and not an antler right?)
(Is that a dumb question?)

(Im not even going to get into this....)

( When I look at this picture it calms me....)
(Im not sure why...)

(Im sure you've heard of the "Skinny Cow" products...)
(I think that I've found their 'Poster Child')
(Get this cow a burger!)
(OOO I take that back...thats wrong...)
(Get this cow some PASTA!)
(Way less cannibalistic)

Alright well Im over you.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Jeanette and Eric
I love you both to pieces and cant wait for the big day!!

StarFish Beach :: Star Point
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(This one is my personal favorite)

            The Sitting Area ::                               (Across from the house that says "NOT for sale")
                                                                              (Seriously) (There is a SIGN that actually says that)
(  )

(How'd that get in there?)

                                       The Secret Beach : : 
(IT is NOT that kind of Island !!)

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        Moritz Hotel : :                                                                     ( The Horizon Pool)
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( ANOTHER Shoe Tree !!)
(Who knew!!)

( J )

( E )

(This was out Sweet Ride)
(A Hyundai - "Clown Car" )
(With a trunk bigger then the backseat)

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                   Lovers Wall : :                                                                ( Duh. )
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                                Caymana Bay : : 
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They were a PLEASURE to work with ....
And Id also like to thank Kris and Chels for tagging along and making them smile..
You two are amazing also !!

On to the Next....