Monday, July 11, 2011

CUBA ..5.13.11..(C.C.R.L)

Finally the moment / moments have arrived!!
(And I say moments because Cuba is prob going to take up the next 7-8 Blogs)
(Between the Ninja and I....almost 3000 pictures were taken...)
(And since this blog is like my own personal photo album...the ones that I kept..)
(....Almsot 700 are going up...)
(Sooooo if you get bored...just skip them...)
(But I doubt you will bc CUBA was AMAZING !!)
(I broke it up into places and themes...)

Ok so enough blabbering...

Lets go to CUBA !!!!

 : : CARS : : 
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(  Coco Taxi )

(  )

( Ninja IN the Coco Taxi)

( Back "Window" )

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( Che...... )

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( I know its not actually a car....)
(But it drives right next to them on the same roads...) 
(...So who am I to try and push Labels...)

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( Oooooo )
(Sweet Mercedes !! )

( Side Car )

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( OK again not a car...)
(This was actually an old train "museum")
(It was really very interesting...)

( Oh look !! )
( Its my Birth Year !)

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Cuban Fortress / Havana
"Castillo de la Fuerza"
( The construction began)    1562  -  1583   ( The construction ended )
It was built to guard the Harbor..but was later decided that it was too far to be effective..
So it became the Home of the Governor for a while...and then a Home of Arms...
until finally in 1977 it was inaugurated as a Museum...and will remain so...
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( Yes...that does say the "Untied States of America" )
(And I have no idea what else..)

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( Whats so funny about this is that the Ninja is just imitating the sign above...)
(But its so tiny she just looks like she's running in slow motion...)

( A model of the Fortress )

 ( I cant read this...But I figured one day Id have someone translate it for me..)

( A model of a ship )

( Another one...)

(  )

( This is a window... not a jail cell )
(Just saying...)

( This is where the Children sleep )
(JUST kidding...)
( do NOT need to go to Cuba...It really was just a joke...)

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( Im not explaining it again...)

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( This is the bell tower where I got electrocuted...)
(But thats a whole other blog..)

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This next Spread is a dedication to our Lodging...
Lets first start where we had booked a room and were SUPPOSED to stay...
((** When we got there we were told the Internet Site double booked out room so there was
no place for us to stay.....Luckily they had gone ahead and found us an EVEN BETTER
place.... Not only that but they had someone walk us over...and informed us we were still
welcome to come back for our meals...which we did a few times.... ***))

La Casa Particular Humberto
(The Roof)
(A view of the old and the new ... )

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( The Breakfast Nook )

(Ha Ha .... this was the best part...)
(That string is connected to the door and runs up 3 flights of stairs...)
(When you ring the doorbell someone upstairs tugs on the string and it opens the door)
(I think MacGyver might have installed it for them...)
(I seriously cracked up when I saw it ..)

                          ....And this is the Place where we ended up for those 4 Glorious Days....
( It was like a Chuckie Cheese's Door !!)

(  )

( I know...AMAZING electric here.. )
(Its a lightbulb hanging from a random sting with an exposed wire wrapped around it)
(BUT its an Energy Saver Im not complaining !!)

(  )

( The Sweet Kitchenette and Bathroom )
(There were 2 temperatures on the shower head...Hot and Cold )
(Which is fine bc it was SO REDIC HOT there that we mostly used the cold)
*  *  *
( DEAR DAD....I left a coke in the Freezer...It exploded..I blame you...I think its hereditary)

( Living room....Notice the AMAZING Spiral Staircase to our Lofted Bedroom )
(I had some of the best sleepover talks in these beds....)
(Barb...stop talking and let me sleep...)
(We should have a Skype SleepOver !!!)

The Delicious Restaurant we ate at Multiple times ...
(In case you couldn't read the Awning)
(  )

( Ok lets talk about it...Bottom to Top..)
(ITs a layer of bread...deliciously lightly toasted...) 
(..then a layer of lettuce.....)
(Then another piece of bread...Ham and Pork...and a Soft White Cheese)
( A nice even layer of Mustard and another Piece of Heaven Bread )
(There was NO pickle which was surprising..and slightly disappointing...)
(And I thought about telling them that in the US we put a pickle on it and then
realized how REDIC that would be...US telling Cuba how to make a Cuban Sandwich )
(So I just bit into it and it was a total ZEN moment)
(The best thing that I ingested the whole trip...)
(....I just wrote a lot about a Sandwich...)

( This was the Ninja's meal... Lobster and Salad and it came with a drink AND a dessert)
(And I think it was like 8$ US)
(ALSO delish....)

(The Cuban band that played while we dined...)
(I got suckered into buying their CD...)
(But Im glad I did...its pretty hott ...)

(I wondered if their music was written in Spanish)

(  )

(Ahhhhh  Flan for Dessert )
(And I JUST noticed that there is a FLY on the top corner...)
(Cracking up here...Im just glad EVERYONE enjoyed it)

(I took this pic bc the Metal Circle part of that chair kept getting lost in that Womans Pants)
( HOW can you not feel that ??)

Ok well thats the end of the First one...
Hope you enjoyed it!!
More to come soon!!

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