Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Cuba Tres..P.NT

. . . CUBA TRES . . . 
(That means Three in Spanish)
(Which is the ONLY real language spoken there...)
(Hence I had NO idea what was going on half the time...Thank God for Ninja's Tri-Lingualness)
(Im assuming that IS an actual word bc AutoCorrect didn't yell at me...)

Ok.... now onto the Faces of Cuba....
And the rest of the Nighttime Shots....

(This is her job.)
(She dresses up in this every day and Charges people when they take her picture.)
(Nothing in Cuba is free...I leaned that very quickly after we were chased down the road bc
I took a pic of someone without his permission and without payment.)
(During this trip I probably spent half my money on pic taking payments)
(But I guess in a Communist Country I couldn't have expected anything different)
(Ill let you know what we paid for and what we snuck)

(That Cigar was about a foot long...)

(The Ninja is not a big drinker...)
(But could not pass up a True Cuban Mojito !!)

(Cuba is FULL of Graffiti....Which was a HUGE surprise to both of us...)

(But we LOVED it...)
(As Im sure you'll soon see)

(We started getting really good at sneaking shots when no one was looking...)
(Well when no Parents were looking anyway...)

(What the heck is this supposed to be?)

(Diving on the "Beach")
(I will explain this in a later Blog....)

(I miss you Rita....)

(  Snuck )

(There were Lovers EVERYWHERE...)
(Especially on the "Lovers Wall" or "Lovers Walk")
(It was sweet to see...)

(These Gentlemen yelled at us from their 3rd story window for taking their pics)

(Me in the Coco Taxi Mirror)
(I TOTALLY stole this idea from the Ninja..)
(But it was so cool I couldn't resist)

( Snuck it )

(Totally Snuck it)
(If you get caught taking a picture of anyone in the Militia they have the right to smash your
camera and arrest you....)
(I only took this one bc I was on a bus with tinted windows...)
(Hes "guarding' the Aeronautical Museum..)

(  )

(  )

(Apparently Lollipops are a popular Breakfast treat...)

(See? She's sucking on one also...)

(Tell me this boy doesn't look like a 30 yr old man.....)
(No seriously...I want you to tell me that....)

(Um....tried to sneak...)
(He kinda freaked me out though...)
(Good thing the bus pulled away right quick)

( Love )

(Paid !!)

(He got pissed also)





( love....)
(Hes on the right in case you didn't know)

(  )

( Pimp )

(Love this one...)


(That cat sat there all day every day with leash or collar...just chilled)


(I mean its the SAME woman here...if you cant figure out that I PAID....)
(Well then your special....)
(And not in a good the way your mom says..."Oh but your special honey")
(And mom never said that to me....)
(My dad did tell me once that I was a good artist when I told him I wanted to be a singer..)

( The Flying Ninja )
(Just Kidding)

(We'll talk about this statue in another Blog...)
(I have a LOT to say about it)

( Bet you cant guess who this is!!!)
(No really...Guess...)

CUBA is just as beautiful and full of character in the dark as it is in the light....
(  )

(The view from our Sweet Pad)

( Red sky at night.... )

 (  )

 (  )

(  )

(This ones my Fav)

(Ohhh or maybe this one is...)
(ITs a rough life Ill tell you...)

(  )

(  )

( The Ninja told me that this was a famous hotel... )
(I forget exactly why...but I think it has something to do with the Culinary Arts)

( House of Representatives )

(  )

 We have no concluded Cuba Tha-ree...
How you holding up? Bored yet?
I hope not bc the next one is HUGE....
seriously like 102 Pictures Huge....
Its of our day trip to Vinales...
And I will be teaching you all how to Roll A fresh Cuban Cigar..
(Minus the Cuban part of course bc you cant have those tobacco leaves here...)
(Well you cant....but I can...and do...)
(Don't tell on me....)

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