Tuesday, July 12, 2011

. . . CUBA TWO . . .
(Capitol...Buildings and Doors...Hotel..)
Im just gunna jump right in here...

(Look Familiar?)
(The Architect was a Frenchman...the Materials and Supplies came from Italy)
(And yet when I first saw the Cuban Capitol I thought for a second that I had hopped 
on the wrong plane and ended up in D.C. )

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(Im not going to lie...I have no idea what the story behind this statue is....)
(But I figured I needed a few statue pictures...)

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One night we decided to walk around and take some NightShots
(Of which there will be more later on)
And we came upon the Capitol...all lit up and beautiful...
And the nicest Security Guard ever snuck us inside on a secret personal tour...
And this is what we saw...
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( The Beautiful Ceiling )

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( He told us this is the Third Largest Indoor Statue in the World..)
(And again I have no idea what its significance is)
(Well thats a lie...Its actually a statue of me...)
(For real ... Im a big deal in Cuba.)

(This was where a Large Diamond used to be housed in the floor)
(It is point of reference for all the measured distances for any place in Havana)
(Did that make sense?)
(Ok let me try again)
(When trying to find out how far say our apt was from the heart of Havana..it is from this
spot that we begin calculating)
(BUT a while back someone tried to steal the Diamond so they hid it somewhere and 
replaced it with a fake)

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( Random Church )

( Can you spot the New Building? )
(Take your time...theres no deadline..)

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( Things were so bright and colorful here )

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( The best window ever...)

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( This was my Favorite door )
(Well one of them...there were so many how can I choose!!??)

( The Market  )
(More Pics to follow)

( There was Propaganda EVERYWHERE )
(And again...More pics to follow)

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( The Theater )

( Dunno )

( The Tobacco Factory in Havana )

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( Why don't our restaurants look like this? )
(Actually they might in L.A. but who can afford to go to those places?)

( Another Restaurant )

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( A Statue that looks like he's angrily pointing at the Ninja..)
(I don't know what she did but he's PISSED !!)

( I just loved the shape of this doorway )

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( The Havana Courtyard )

Hotel Nacional De Cuba...
This is one of the Oldest and Most Historic Hotels in all of Havana
( ...and SUPER EXPENSIVE and very 'Posh' )

                                                (And their Cabaret is one of the best in all of Cuba)
                                                (Unfortunately we didn't have time to see a show..)

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( A view from the back )

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( In a Mirror....)

(This image reminds me of 'The Shining')
(Minus the flowing blood and dead twins)
(Hello ??....The movie...Jack Nicholson? )
(Are you following me here?)

( The view from the Front Doors )

                  Ahhh the Peacocks....  (Xei I thought about you as soon as I saw them)
(There were two of them just wandering around freely on the property and so naturally
the Ninja and I stalked and Shot them for over 30 minutes...)
(Shot as in ' took pictures of ' not murdered...)
(I hope I didn't actually NEED to clarify that)

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( So beautiful...)
(We tried so hard to make them fan out their feathers but they refused...)
(They told us they were sick of being exploited for pictures...)
(So this is the best I could do...)

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    (I know I went a little overboard but when am I going to be able to get so close again?)

( This is when he finally said.......)
("Enough is enough")
(....And so he hid)

(Yeah good job Peacock..)
( I have NO idea where you went...)

Ok ...
That concludes the Second CUBA Blog...
Stay tuned for Number Three!!

1 comment:

  1. I laughed out loud (loled) about the last comment on the peacock hiding.. ;) good stuff love
