Wednesday, June 29, 2011


OOPS !!!!
I totally forgot about these pictures!!
These are all courtesy of the Ninja..........

Thank you to everyone who came....
Such a sweet gesture....
(  )

( Me and My Sisters...)

"Im leaving....on a Jet Plane..."

(Yes...I am part Indian)

The Toast : : 

(Got all teary-eyed...)

(Rocking out....)

(My Sweet Girl....)
(LOVE this Pic...even though I was made fun of while it was being taken..)

( Thank God for 6.24.11 )

( I am NOT getting involved...)

( Thank you Cayman for bringing us back together...)

( Um stop being so cute this is MY night...  )

( it...)

"So my bag has a Reflector..."
"So What ?"
"Dont hate...Just let me live..."

( A dress and Make-up )
(This totally counted as our date !!)

(This is me doing "Sexy" )
(Cracks me up!!)

(Yes....Im in heels...)
(Well I was for about 3 minutes...)

( Floating Head!!)

 ( Christina...I love your Boobs...)

Randoms From Batabano : : 
( Love this Pic...)
(Thank you Ninja)

( Like my Robin Hood Feather? )

(This is Chels getting "Fuck Dance" Molested)
(I apologize for the language but thats just what its called.)
(We were just standing on the wall minding our business when all three of us got picked up
and carried into the street....)

( When I thought Chels had had enough I grabbed her and pulled her to safety...)
(That was one hell of an experience...)

Ok thats the last of them...
Cuba's next....Promise!!!

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