Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Cuba..Ninja - Info

So here is the Second Part of the Ninjas Photos...
And the Beginning of the Info Portion of Cuba...
I apologize for the split....but there are already TOO MANY BLOGS!!


(This "Vehicle" is on the "Highway")

(  )

( "Taxi" )

(  )

( Ohhh....Dietetica !!)
(Sounds delish...)
(This shirt is NOT black...)
(HAHA Chels n Kris)

( <3 )

(Xeila...that kinda looks like you in the Back seat...)
(Is there anything you want to tell me?)

( Sigh...)

(  )

(Love it...)

(  )

(Open Air Arena)

(Humm....Are we in Asia already?)

(Everyone wave Hello !!)

(Cherie...this pics for you...)
(I know how much you love Skinny Cows...)

(Those faces light up at night...)
(Kinda Creepy)

(Look at the woman in the background...)
(Theres a 1000 things I want to say about her....)
(But Im going to keep my mouth shut....)
(Because I don't want to be mean....)
(And also I don't know if she's really alive....)
(Oops...does that count as mean?)

(  )

(Swim anyone?)

(The Ninjas Favorite Picture..)

( A VooDoo Doll in Disguise ....)
(Not a good one because I was about to spot her...)

(  )

( Xtreme ....)

(  )

( Just some art.....)

( ... and Crafts... )

(  )

("Gift Shop")

(  )

(  )

( Love...)

("The Little Prince")
(Amazing book and super popular in Cuba)
(You should DEF read it....)

(  )

(  )


( Worlds smallest motorcycle....)

(  )

( Ohhhhh....the Caves)

(  )

(  )

(This is the pic that I will one day paint for the Ninja)
(The guy wanted more and more for it Everytime we went in there)
(So the Ninja distracted him and I snuck a pic of it...)
(HAHA sucka....)

(  )

( I want this Vest )


(Rice Fields....)

(  )

(The 'New' before the 'Old')

(MY box of Hand-rolled Cigars!!!)

( Legit Manual Plowing )


(Love this....)
(Unless you really want to....)

(Sick Arches....)
(They just do not make them like that anymore....)

(  )

(She was obsessed with the Hanging Laundry....)
(And the fact that the Underwear were hanging out the outside for everyone to see...)

( From the Plane )
(Obvs...we cant fly...)


Goodbye CUBA!!! 
The Ninja...

And that concludes the Ninja Portion of this Blog...
Onto - - - - 

(And the crazy graffiti Pics begins...)

(This was taken from the CoCo Taxi...)

(There was amazing paintings for sale EVERYWHERE)

( Family Photo.....)

(At first I thought this shit was on fire....)

(Until I looked closer....)
(No...Its just shooting out a huge - barely contained - continuous - Fire ball...)
(Don't worry Im sure its super safe...)

(  )

(  )

( Bad Pussy.....)

(Really liked this one for some reason....)

(  )

(I think thats Tu Pac on the left....)

( No Clue...)

(This was with the one I have No Clue about....)
(But it was interesting bc it looked like it was made out of metal spaghetti...)

( You know...just your average Shrine....)

(Random "Art Poles" in the middle of the street)

(The "Art Market" )
(These were made out of Paper....)

(In case you didn't know where we went....)

( Fountain Runoff Collector....because there weren't underground....)
(Whatever they're called....)

( Just a Cafe Sign )

Well my fiends...
We are almost at the end ...
The Next one will conclude the Cuba Blogs....
I just wanted to prepare you so that you don't have unexpected withdrawals...

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