Sunday, July 31, 2011

Cuba.....BARBS PICS!!!

So as Ive said before between the Ninja and I took an absurd amount of pictures....
She took some amazing ones which would be a crime to keep from the world...
(AND just so you know I am not Ive said before this Blog is my photo album..
and I of course wanted a lot of proof that I was actually IN know in case 
there was a murder somewhere and I need an alibi....)

( TuKola...the soda of Champions )
(  )

(Yes...I allowed the sun to rise that day)
(Your welcome)

(  )

("My Milkshake Brings All the Boys to The Yard")

(  )


(Look at these Nurses....)
(Look at her hat thing...seriously 1950's)

(Early morning "Tiniest cup of Coffee" ever...)

(Nice Kicks...)

(Sorry...I was engrossed in a heavy competition....Who could stay still the longest...)
(He won....ugh)

(Love this one)

(They had a structural issue and I told them Id use my super human strength to hold up
the building until they could fix it...)
(Uhhh...YOUR WELCOME Cuba..)

(This....In MY opinion is the Ninjas Best Shot.)
(DEF National Geographic Worthy)
(Maybe Ill submit it for her...)
(Sorry thinking out loud)

(For all of you who know her....)
(This looks like Arch Nemisis...)



(Yellow Brick.....Roof)

(  )

(Love it)

(  )

(We purposely sat on diff sides of the bus...)
(So that we wouldn't miss even ONE amazing picture...)
(Unfortunately I fell asleep for a little while...)

(This is the man who rolled my Cigars)

(P. I. M. P.)

(And Love this PIC!!)

(Random Street Party !!)

(  )

(Stilts are actually NOT that hard to walk on...)

(Ninja gave them a dollar...)
(And he blew right in her face...)

(My Love)

(This pic comes with the best story ever...)
(This woman ASKED us to take her pic and when the Ninja went to give her a dollar she said..
"Oh can you just get me some milk for my children?" So we go into the "Store" and before we
know it there are FIVE huge bags of powdered milk on the counter and the woman says...
"That will be 35 Dollars")
(HAHA I thought the Ninja was gunna kill her!!)
(Long story short she agreed to buy her ONE bag which set her back 5 Dollars.)
(But the Valuable lesson learned.....?)

(Everyone should get to eat a little fresh mango)

(  )

(  )

(Love it)


(  )

(  )

( After this pic was taken I did 500 Reps...)
(And that was just a warm-up)

( G-ster )

(ALL - ABOARD !!!)

(Random Jewelry Lady)

("Slapping Da BAse..")
(Great Movie...)
("Why do you always sound like a Leprechaun") 

(  )

( I mean.....)

( YAY....FISH EYE !!)
(Thats the kind of lens it is...)

(Oh Word?)

(I really get in there.....)

(O LEy !!!)

(Proof of my visit to Vinales )


(  )

(  )

( The Candy Cart Woman )
( Explanation to follow in the next Blog)

(  )

(  )

(  )

 ( "Hang in there" )
(I think I can give that famous Cat Poster a run for its money!!)

(Just another emaciated animal...)

( I just cant get enough of this woman!!)

(Woah...look at me Double Fisting!!!)
(FYI...there are no Blenders my Pina Colada is basically Coconut milk...) 
(Ummmm......kinda gross...)

("Hey what are you doing later?")
("Wanna come hang out in the middle of the road with me?")
("Yeah ok sure....sounds like fun !!")

(Thats a written "Spitting" Sound)

(  )

( I just noticed the license plate says ...)
("H E Y"
(Funny shit!)

( Kissing my Man...)


(MY AMAZING pic that I bought there!!!)
(Smoke it Ladies!!!)

(YAY !!!!)
(Love Cuba!!)

(We have to leave soon....)

(  )


(Beautiful music.....)

( Yeah were chillin.....)

( PEACE...Cuba !!)


("Here let me get that for you...")

(Basically a scooter with a "house" on it)

(The Ninjas pic idea...)
(That I stole...)

( Ahh....the trip to the Airport....)
(So Sad....)

( I have to admit there are very few pics where Im NOT throwing up Duces...)
(And no I have NO IDEA why...)

Alright....thats the end of the beginning.....
Next is the End of the End and then the best ones...
The every Funny and Interesting INFORMATIONAL pictures...
See you Soon!!!