Friday, June 17, 2011

Last Tour of Cayman

Sooooo Sorry for the delay...
Things have been crazy...
Humm that might be exactly what I wrote on my last blog...
Well at least you know Im not lying...
Im obv super far behind so now I'm going to be playing

This shoot was the Ninja's idea...
IT was the "Last Tour of Cayman"
(Until I come back to visit of course...)

These next few are my pictures from the day.....
And then we'll finish up with the Ninjas....

First we stopped of at the beach....(Of course)(After our DELICIOUS Mango smoothie stop)
 ("OH I remember the Mango only girl...")
(  )

Then we went to the "Abandoned Mental institution" which we have been trying to locate
fot the last few months...
(Turns out it was an old "Rehab" and completely gutted and boring)
( Your right...)
( This Chapel has not seen the light of God in years....)

( Wow...cassette tapes...)
(This place really is OLD !!)

( Weird )

(  )

( my new mirror? )
(Yea just got it...did a mini Shoot in it..)
(You know...thats how we roll..)

(Did I mention I got it for half price?)
(Totally goes with the rest of the decor..)
(Like it was made just for us...)

( Now thats my kind of "White Picket Fence")

( The Ninja's Sidekick )
(Yes..Ninjas have sidekicks)
(And yes they are usually some type of bird..)

( These guys were hard to shoot..)
(They were just so Crabby...)
(HAHA get it?)
(They're CRABS?)
(I guess my humor is just too advanced for you..)

( Ahh... )
( Regression...)
(Happens to the best of us...)

(  )

( Tell me these don't look like human lips..)
(Ok nevermind..)

( Now this is Bad-Ass..)
(Id like a sign like that also...)
(But Id like mine in Blue...)
(Please and Thank you..)

(I laughed when I saw the sign "Mountain Goats"..)
(Because there really aren't any "mountains")
(Until I saw it...)
(And I knew right then are there what they MEANT was...)
("Ironshore Goats")

(She was bad.)
(But I had to let her out bc she was driving..)
(Lucky for her...)

(The Agouti..)
(Its like a cross between a rat and a rabbit.)
(And its terribly...well I don't want to say ugly and boring bc thats mean...)
(So Im just not going to say anything at all.)

(I also was unaware that there were FRESHWATER Stingrays...)
(That means I can probably get one!!)
(Chels..u wanna adopt one?)
(Bring it home with you...Ill get a big bathtub...)

( I put these picture up here bc never in my shooting career have I
accidentally caught so many Blinks!!)
(It was slightly annoying actually..)

The Ninja's Pictures : : : 
(  )

(  )

(  )

(Thanks for always making me look good...)

(  )

(Even when I'm "Swimming")

( Conch Ring...)

(  )

( Id never seen a Woodpecker this close before)
(And for the record they really do Peck Wood !! )

( Love this )

( This little bastard kept flashing his neck fan thing...)
(Until we tired to take his picture)
(I don't know if he was being shy or just mean by not doing it again....)

(Our last supper....)

(And of course we pray before every meal..)
(NO.. NOT really.)
(Do you even know me?)
(It was a tribute to Ricky...)

          So the cleaver Ninja decided we should take some chalk and draw scenes
                from Cayman....SUCH and AMAZING idea.....
(Swimming in the 'Ocean')

( xoxoxox )

(I am enjoying a delicious Blue-Something Martini)
(I know I don't drink but I thought this would be the perfect time for an exception..)
(Sides...who passes down a drink with an umbrella in it??)
(Thats right...)
(No One..)

( Oh Barbaritavitaville... )

( And yes...)
(I bet you didn't know the Ninja could BreakDance..)
(Well she Can!!)
(And I have proof)


(Super Cutie!!)
(Just kidding...)
(Not really..)

(Kissing my Sting Ray...)

( Head...Hat...Bird Perch..)
(You know...Whatever)

( Apparently my hat was very tasty...)

( And he got very possessive of it...)
(He said...)
("Bitch...Back off!")
(When they were calling him to look in their direction for the picture)
(Not that I can blame him...)
(He is a bird of the Island and the hat did say Jager.. on it!!)

( I DO like to kiss random painted animals..)
(So what?)

(Just another hard days rowing...)

(At least someone got some good non-blink pictures)
( !!!! )

( Um...)
( Hairiest thing ever )
(This was in the "Exotic animals " section.)
(I guess 'Exotic' means Chicken with Rock Star Man Hair...)
(Good to know....)

( Love )

( Love )

( Ohhhhh )
(Theres my watering can!!)
(I've been looking everywhere!!)

(To Be...or Not to Be....)
(To be or not to be WHAT exactly?)

( A cannibal? )
(Leg bone...)
(Don't tell anyone though...)
(People get arrested in the states for shit like that...)
(But in Cayman....anything goes...)
(As long as its not done on a Sunday..)

( A little Baber )

(  Yeah I know he's hott..)
(We dated for a little while but he just refused to take that knife out of his mouth..)
(You can imagine how dangerous kissing was...)
(Plus his hair was nicer than mine..So it was never going to work out anyway)
(OH well...onto the next )

(AHOY Matee's !!!)
(Oh wait...wrong climate...)

(A glorious ending to a glorious day..)
(Me in front of my favorite beer...)
(Just kidding...)

And one last random Picture...
Id like to give a shout-out to Barbara Virano...
Amazing Photographer Extraordinaire 
Who works at the Humane Society and takes pictures of all these sweet little orphan 
Animals in order to help them get adopted...
(Or donate your money to the Human Society...)

K...NExt is my Grand CAyman Tribute...
Accompanied by my Tourist Day at Work..and my Goodbye Dinner...
Miss you Guys sooo much....

1 comment:

  1. Ninja misses NY! I can't believe you posted my break dance picture... it was my only hidden talent! ♥u
