Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Stingray Church...

...Im back....
...Took a super long hiatus ...
...But have no fear...
....I have Blog material for days....

Alright so sometime between March 17-March 24
Kristen Concialdi came to visit Kris and Chels...
And the two of us went on Chip and Michelle's Stingray boat...
We met Two great families and off we went !!

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(Just wanted to make sure you're with me here....)

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                     Alright and now onto the Second part of the Blog....The Church.
          Erica, Matt and I woke up early one Sunday...Put on our Sunday best....
                   (Too many Sundays?)     And went to Church with Ricardo...our co-worker...
                He belongs to a "Untied Pentecostal Church" and it was def an interesting experience..

            There was LOTS of Singing...Big Hats...Crying/Weeping...and Screaming...
                 Its not quite my thing but there is something to be said for a group of people who
                      come together to find peace...celebrate their faith and emanate love...
           Everyone was super friendly...shaking our hands and offering us words of acceptance...
                  (THIS is because Ricardo took it upon himself to have our names ANNOUNCED..
                        and we had to stand up one by one to be introduced to the congregation...)
                                          (I  was being sarcastic there.....just in case you didn't catch it...)

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(They had HUGE projection screens that displayed the readings and the 
 words to all the many songs that they sang...)

(It was way bigger than I was expecting...)
(Look at that pink fancy HAT!!)

(I always thought that the crucifix statues were slightly disturbing...)
(But I have to say that this was WAY worse....)
(Gruesome would be the word Id use to describe it...)

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(This has nothing to do with the picture BUT I would like to give you some interesting
background info on this Church's structure....)
(First off...most people "Tithe" (donate) 10% of their income directly to the church..)
(Secondly..many members will fast up to 3 times a week...because it is thought that if you
dont concern yourself with things like Eating, you will be able to see that Jesus
can fill you up (your soul) just as much as food can)
(This is actually a terrible description but I think I got the point across)

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(Thats Ricardo...)
(If you cant find him he's the TALLEST one up there...)
(If you still cant find him... Ive got nothing to say to you except...)

            AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST.....A little SHOUT-Out to one of my Besties...
                              (Who I also stole that word from...)
                                         Kristin Kippidy-Daniels...
                                                (No thats not her real last name....but it just flows...)
                                                            < Shut it >
(Onions are her FAVORITE veggie...)
(They have MANY layers...make you cry and taste delish...)
(ALSO...you can Carmelize them...changing their taste from "onion flavor" to Sweet...)
(Hum...Sweet...thats actually perfect...)
(Since her Womans' NAME is Sweet...)
(But you should know that already...)

( Oh and just so you don't think were weirdoes and did an onion photoshoot... )
(We cut these up and shot them to get ideas for a NEW TATT!!)

About 4 more Blogs to go and Ill be caught up
Thank you for your patience...
Im out...

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