Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Easter Earth Day

Happy Easter!
(Yes I know how far behind I am...)
(Thanks for rubbing it in my I don't feel guilty enough as it is)
Since we've all been homesick for all the holidays thus far...
And SANTA wasn't able to find us this year...
(Well MY Santa found me...but not everyones did)
We decide to make little Easter Baskets for everyone...

< These next two Photos...courtesy of Ann - "Amazing" - King >
(Who was here to spend Easter with me and the fam....)
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I haven't uploaded all of the eggs because I don't want to bore you ....
But heres a few to give you an idea...
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(Yeah....we made a bunch...)
(Took us a few hours...between three/four of us...)
(Let me explain...)
(First..Me Chels and Kris "Blew out" the eggs)
(I know.... its as hard as it sounds...)
< Wink Wink >
(But seriously..we had to poke holes in the top and bottoms, hold it over a bowl and blow..)
(Kris's holes were so tiny she sounded like a baby elephant the entire time...)
< Good memories...> < Grin >
(Then you have to rinse them out which was an ongoing process since the holes are so tiny)
(But don't worry guys I think we got it all out....)
(Then we had to figure out a place to put them because the box doesn't come with a stand)
(So we used the empty egg crate..some scissors and a lot of bobby pins...)
(Yeah were like Mini McGuyver's ... What??)
(That was a gangster "What" by the way)

(And THEN......)
< I wanted to put a pic in-between all these words so I don't lose you...>
(Like I was saying...and THEN When Annie was here..we 'sharpied'...and then ...)
(...poor Annie got stuck inserting and crazy gluing the fishing wire to hold them..)
(I think she still might have glue on her fingers...)
(Chels wrote on all the baskets while Kris packed them up)
(I don't know why I told you all that...but I felt like you should know) 

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               Ok this blog is getting really long already...
           So Ill try and make the rest short and sweet....

        Annies Photos : : : "Just Chillin' in Cayman"
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(Love this one)

           "Family Day" On Chip and Michelle's Boat  .... Easter Sunday ....
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(  Lovely Ryan...)
< Actually I love it....>



(Sting Rays!!)
(You really should be able to recognize them by now..)

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( Beauty...)
(Oh and PS I just noticed you had perfect eyebrows! )

         Cemetery Beach ....
                        (Actually its not a beach...more of "Cemetery Ironshore Next to the Water")
(Love this one....)

          Caymans "Earth Day"             This is a new thing for Cayman so Im told
                                                        .... and a few days after the US's earth day
                                                  which is....March 22....AND is also my parents
                                                               Anniversary!!  Happy Anniversary !!!
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(Oh yes it was a HUGE deal here)
(We actually got a paid Holiday at work because He decided to get married)
(Thanks for tying the knot guys!!)

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( I think these things are supposed to mimic the settings at the Royal Wedding )
(And you can buy them so you can feel like your sitting right there with them)
(AND they also sell the Royal Crown) 
(...replicas of course...)
(I hope that was obv. to you.)

                              And now for some "Garbage Pail Art"  ......
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(  This ones my fav....)
(In case you were wondering)

Arts and Crafts....Using garbage
(...that sounds bad...let me try again..)
Using....Already Used Items that would most likely be thrown out..
(Better?? )
(These flowers are made out of old Water/Soda Bottles)

( But I have no idea what the centers are made out of.... )

(I don't know what they were making here...)
(Besides a hott mess...)
(But at least they were smiling while they did it!)

(Cookies baked in the sun using metal and tinfoil...)
(No I did NOT taste one....)

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(Do I really need to explain this one?)

( This was made from cardboard...)

( Cant go to Caymana Bay without taking some fountain shots...)

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Humane Society Book Sale....
(ITs a good cause and its all for the animals...)
(And every little bit helps...)
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( ORRRRR.... )
(You could shoot over there and adopt a cutie little pup...or cat)

( Garbage Fashion...)
(Apparently its all the rave.....)

             RANDOM PICS......
(Bet your wondering what the big deal is....)
(Bet your saying to yourself..."Its a movie theater what?")

(Let me get this straight...)
(You can go to a bar and get hammered on a Sunday and sleep with a random...)
(But you cant watch it on the big screen...)
(I mean clearly THAT makes sense...)

Bet your surprised Im posting AGAIN...after just 22 hours....
Thats just how I roll...
See you tomorrow!!

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