Saturday, May 21, 2011

Flashlights and Friends...

This is a "Visitor Compilation"
(Thats is.)
(Just look at the pics now..)

Ann ... Laura ... Tommy
(  )

(Angel Wings..)
(Um yes that IS me...OBV)
(What??  Im super angelic...)
(Ok fine...will call them Faerie Wings)
(Happy now?)


(Annies Love...)

(Because I live in Cayman)

(  )

(This is WAR !!)

(Love it...)

(Laura's new "language")
(Get it? )
(Because it looks like Alien signs mixed with Hieroglyphics)
(And yes...I looked up the spelling of Hieroglyphics..)
(What an obnoxious word..)
(I didn't look up obnoxious..I knew that one)


(Kris and I...just tossing it around)
(She let the blue one drop...but I kept the red going...which makes me more amazing)
(She would prob say it was because I threw it horribly...)
(But if you'll notice it looks like she could have just opened her palm and it'd fall right in...)
(Really what it looks like is perfection)

(Take Two)
(Looks like I threw it a little too high and too short...)
(OMG does that mean Im not as perfect as I think I am....)

(Kris's broken heart...)


( The Blues Sisters)
(Because were blue)
(And were sisters...)
(Stay with me here...)

(Girls I know 'Statue' wasn't the actual word we used...)
(But I KNOW that when we do it again it will be...)
("No Strings Attached"...)
(See it)

(Thunder and Lightning)
(Of course theres a story for this one)
(But all Im going to say is...)
(Look at the glorious 'tail' that lightning has !!! )

(Ok Ok Ann....)
(This perfect ones for you)

("Um no. I want a stem and leaves.")
("Well ok then Ann!")

(Annie...and me)
(If you don't know what it is then Im calling the US Government on you)

(Tommys Train)

(Stop with the perversions...)

(A turtle who seems to like to swim on his back)
(Not at all how I intended it btw)

(Me and Kris.....)
(This pic will forever represent something amazing for me....)

The Margaritaville Landsharks...
And our Biggest Supporter Ms. Chelsea Sweet...Who took these photos for us...xoxoxoxo
( Warming up for the playoffs...)

(Oh and a special shout-out to some of our fans...)
(Moo Cow Fuck Milk...)
(Thats for you Xei....)

(Well we finished the season 7-1)
(We won every game but the last...)
(But I know we all had such a fun time and come on..7-1?)
(Best stats in the league !!)
(Throw up your deuce's US !!)

                             Cherie's Pictures.....
                      While Hannah and Cherie were playing tourist...Cherie captured this....
                             (PS Thanks Cherie for letting me steal all your pics...)
(Hannah in the booty shaking competition...)
(She SHOULD have won but they just weren't ready for her )

(  )

( H..K..C )

( Pool Bar )

( Like this one...)
(It'd take me too long to explain why..)
(But the reasons aren't always important..)
(Did you catch that philosophical bomb I just dropped on you?)

(Balloon Popping Contest)


(  )

               Stingray City
(  )

(  )

(Cutest thing ever)

(  )

(Ok...I take that one back...)
(THIS is the cutest thing ever)
(Actually its the Coolest thing ever...)
(Uhh...because hes acting Cool of course...)

( Dried Mangos....a HUGE hit with the Vacationers..)

(  )

( Chels might love Stingrays more than anyone else in the world...)

(Cherie..don't worry...)
(No one will ever know that you were nervous in the water because....)
(Your face is so calm and collected...)

( Love )

(Cant stand around that food bucket too long...)
(Or there could be a STINGRAY ATTACK!!!)
(Don't worry its not deadly..)
(Just super annoying and sometimes a little scary..)

(  Feminism )

(I sent this pic to Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition)
(I think were gunna get picked for SURE !!)
( Snorkels are SO In right now...)

(  Nice Pic...)


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