Friday, May 27, 2011


How ya doing?
Hope everything is going wonderful for you...


: : BATABANO : : 
(I never change the font so you KNOW this is serious...)

Batabano is a festival..(Not unlike 'Carnival' or 'Mardi Gras')
People of all shapes and colors marched together...proud and drunk...
In true Cayman fashion...
(  )

(  )

(  )

(  )

( Love )

(  )

(The Ninja pointed this out to me....)
(She said "Look...just like New York!")
("Yes..Like NY..)
(Only way smaller and WAY cleaner...")

(  )

(  )

( Theres a lot of "Stilt Action" in Cayman )

( Damn )
(She's amazing...)
(Look at that Hip Pop !! )

(Get it Girl..)

( Yay.....!! )
(Purple !! )

( A....)
(Belly-Soca Dancer ?? ) 

(CHER !!)
(Looks just like her right?)
(My favorite 'Will and Grace' episode was the 'Cher Doll' one...)
(Look it up its hysterical...)

(Think there ok with having their picture taken?)

(  )

("What is she doing with that 'bandana type cloth'?" You ask ?)

(Well she's SOCA Dancing of COURSE !!)
(Apparently there is a lot of 'bandana type cloth' waving and lots of "Hump Dancing" as well)

( Very Catholic of you )

(Cutest lady ever )

(Did I forget to mention that there were costumes that were so big 
that they had to be wheeled down the street?)
(So there were these costumes that were so big they had to be
 wheeled down the street !!!!)

( Or carried...)
(If your the strongest woman in the world...)
(This parade was LONG...and it was HOTT out...)
(This woman was an animal !!)

(And not a spring Chicken either)
(Id like to give her an 'Internet Air-High Five' !!)
(I just made that up....)
(Think Ill paten it...)
(DO NOT even THINK about stealing it...)

( I thought at the time that this guy was being a wuss...)
(Having someone else helping him pull his costume around)
(But found out later that he had injured his ankle earlier on that day...)
( I have to stop being so judgmental....)

(  )

( I have no comment )
(Oh wait...yes I do...)
(WHO wears a Mavado to an event that involves body paint..Alcohol and intense Hump Dancing)
( ???????????????? )

(I stole this idea from Chels)
(Good one Homie !!)
( A )
(Yay Hannah's First Day on Island !! )

(  )

( A random Chicken Head guy...)
(Who apparently said something bc he has a mic...)
(But I have no idea what it was ..)

(These sweaty dirty boys grabbed Chels off the wall and proceeded to hump dance her...)
(And then they grabbed Hannah and I as well....)
(Guess ANYTHING goes....)

(This 'Indian' is actually a politician)
(Im not sure who but am told he always wears one of the biggest costume...)

(  )

(Ohhh Smitty...)

( Birds of a feather flock together....)

(His pants are yellow.)
(They match his hat...which is ALSO yellow...)
(Just in case your color blind...)

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(  )

( RAV !!)
(Rocking out!!)

( Hannah and a random...)

(  )

(  )

                   Ohhh...and did I mention that there was a LOT of 'Hump Dancing' going on....
                      In fact I think thats what the parade was mostly based on....
                            Don't believe me? Heres proof...
(This is ok...)
(But identifying as Queer isn't...)

(The one on the left looks like she just stopped and he 'Hump Danced' right into her..)
(The one on the right is just pumped that she has a little shade now)

(I know the left one doesn't look like 'H.D'...but it looks like he's gunna just rip her clothes
off soon...So I figured it would count...)
(The right one?)
(Well looks like he double scored here....he got a Booty AND an arm rest...)

(Of course I saved the best for last !!)
(My mom always told me "If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all" )
( Hence my NOT commenting on this photo..)

(This ones just a bonus)
(Proof that you can 'Hump Dance' just about ANYWHERE)

(  )

(But he WAS amusing...)
(If your asking yourself if theres actually gas in there...)
(You should be ashamed of yourselves..)
(OF COURSE there is !!!)

(Ahh...the Royal couple...)

(  )

(Yes a Purple Scenic)
(I have been neglecting purple pictures for a while now...)

                                                        ( Chels and Hannah................)

                                                                                   (  )

           And that folks was Batabano....
               And our Saturday afternoon....
                   Stay tuned for my goodbye to Grand Cayman blog....
                         Coming soon....