Monday, February 7, 2011


The best way to describe this Blog.
Don't ask questions...
(Because I cant answer you)
Just keep scrolling...

(This is an ACTUAL Gravestone)
(I cropped out the name because I didn't want to be Too Disrespectful)
("She did her best" ?)
(That might be the Worst Parting Words ever)
(Unless its some sort of inside joke)
(But I doubt it)
(Thank you Lisa for brining it to our attention!)

Foam Party : : :  Margaritaville    
(  )

(  )

(Foam makes your nose run)
(Its a fact)
(But for those who would actually check up on me...)
(Then...No....its not a REAL fact)
(On the Other Hand....)
(The proof is in the picture)
(The pic above of the boy in the foam sneezing)
(Lets try to Keep Up here)

(  )

(  )

(  )

(  )

(Of course theres Purple Picture on this Blog !!)

(  )

(  )

(  )

(  )

(  )

(This is a random house in a Very Nice area)
(I came with the Ninja...Just to check it out)
(We did a Drive by)
(No !!!) 
(Not a Drive By Shooting!!)
(Hum well actually it WAS a drive-By Shooting..)
(Because we drove by and I was taking pictures)
(Haha...Get it?)
(I am VERY clever)
(And NO I didn't not photoshop the cat)
(Hes just a Regal Cat)
(Guarding his Empire)

(I took a close up so you would believe me)
(He does look regal doesn't he?)

VolleyBall : : :  Public Beach

(I was going to make a joke about his serious face)
(BUT he's Caymanian now)
(Cant risk getting kicked off the Island!)

(  )

(  )

(But I CAN make fun of this guy !!)
(But I wont)
(I think he might be able to take me)

(Random guy...trying to walk)
(In a random.. inflatable.. zippered.. bubble)
(Just to help you understand the semantics of it)
(Its impossible)
(I came to this conclusion after watching him try unsuccessfully for 20 minutes)

(  )

(My lips are sealed)

(  )

(Its a cool Picture...)
(But she couldn't stand up for a few minutes)
(Because they smacked heads) 
(Right after the shutter blinked)
(That means...'Right after I took the picture'...)
(In Photoese)
(Thats Photographer Language)

(  )

(  )

(Holy Crap)
(He should be playing Basketball with that jump)
(He's like 10 feet in the air)

                                     SuperBowl : : :    Margaritaville : :  Greenbay/Steelers
                      (We all know who won....No need to rub it Beloved Steelers Fans)
(An important commodity while watching the SuperBowl)

(  )

(Did I mention that they had Massages there also)
(For the ladies of course)

(Another commodity ....)
(Yes.....also at a SuperBowl game)

(This might have been Christina's best idea ever)
(Im not going to explain it)
(Its Kristin)
(Relaxing with a drink)
(And an umbrella)

(Wonder what kind of shots those are...)

(Def did not see THAT coming)

        Some pre-game Highlights : :
(  )

 (  )

(  )

(...........COIN TOSS)
(Thats what he was going to say)
(Sorry Kris.....)

(What I MEANT to say was...)
(The massages were for the women...)
(And African Brad)

(On the Front Patio)

(Happy Birthday Chris!)

(  )

(The Steelers were losing)
(Hence the finger)

(Random Amazing meal that Ryan cooked us back in the good old TI days)
(IT was Delish...)
(I would love to have it again)

(I randomly found the dirtiest room ever)
(I wont name the OWNERS of this mess...)
(But you two know who you are)
(Do not worry...)
(This room has been Cleaned and sterilized since the Photo was taken)

(Thats the only reason I took this Picture)
(And its located...)
(I cant tell you)
(This is Chelsea's 'Hidden Jem')

(Bad-Ass New Yorker)

(Random Mangrove Tress whose picture I took weeks ago)
(They've just been sitting on my desktop...)
(I felt bad for them...)
(Didn't want to leave them out)
(And THIS was a perfect Blog for them)
(Finally...they have a home)
(Might have taken that a little too far)
(Just go with it)

K....Done-zo with this one.
Yes you should be excited.
Ive been editing for days and I still have 150 Pictures ..
Of which I can only use 75.
Soo.....wish me luck and BE patient!

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