Sunday, February 20, 2011

Ninja.... Josh and Coreys VISIT!

This week the Ninja and I went on a quick Road-trip...
It was quick because we got out of work super late...
(Super late being 4:30)
We went looking for the 'drysand beach' that the Ninja had heard about
(It's a beach with sand so dry that it cracks)
(Like in the desert)
(Or in Grand Cayman)
(You know...whatever...)

First we found a BULL in WestBay....With a Leash....
(Yes...I said Leash)
(Just look if you don't believe me !)
(He looks angry right?)
(I thought that this bird might be meeting his maker..)
(The means I thought he was going to be EATEN)
(Right in front of us)
(So naturally.... I kept shooting)

(So now Im starting to think I had it all wrong...)
(He doesn't seem to mind at all that this bird was inching closer to him)

(Then I was CONVINCED...)
(This is the MOST passive Bull ever in the History of Bulls)
(I don't really know if thats true)
(But it IS a possibility)

(And then he looked up at us...)

(And then he charged the Ninja)
(Like legit charged at her...)
(I thought he was going to rip that little sapling out of the ground)
(And of course...the Ninja being as sweet as she is could only cry out....)
("Oh Shoot....Oh Shoot !!")

(As we ran to the car I took one last look over my shoulder...)
(And this is what I saw..)
(It almost made me think I imagined the whole thing)
(THANK GOODNESS for photographic evidence)

              Getting closer to the 'drysand' beach : : :
(My new Home!)
(The craftsmanship is really impressive)
(Im not being sarcastic..)
(It really was)

(It even came with a Built in Bench)
(At no extra charge !!)
(Looks like I was the big winner here!!)

(Love this)

( This one also )

(  )

(ANDDDD lovely garbage)
(As usual)
(At least Cayman is consistent)

(It actually is)
(Its the closest thing the conch has to skeleton)
(Which makes it a skeleton in my book)

(PURPLE !!!)

(  )

            Playing with the Sunset : :
(Palming the sunset)

(Representin' the East Side !!)
(What What !!)

(See the Spider ??)

 (  )

(  )

(  )

                                 The Oldest Street Lamp still in use : :
(  )

(  )

           The "Mastic Trail"     : :                                                         (Which wasn't so 'Mastic')
(  )

(String Cactus)

( 1987 )

(Even the roots represent the East Side !!)
(Yeah you know whats up !!)

           And FINALLY......Josh and Coreys visit to Grand Cayman !!!

         Calico's (Beach) : : :
(  )

(  )

(Dive !!)


(This is a One of a Kind ...)
(Shark Tooth Necklace !!)

( I don't know why...)
(I know its not your normal kind of subject)
(But for some reason I just couldn't delete it)

(Josh would you have ever thought 6 months ago...)
(That we would have a pic of Cayman ?)

              Ahhh and the Ever Famous.......Margaritaville !!
(Get it Corey !!)

          A step by step guide to shooting the always painful TEQUILA !!
(Lick it...)

(Shoot it...)

(Swallow without vomiting....)

(Suck it...)

(Victory !!!)

Sorry this one took so long....
But be not afraid...
I have about 5 more blogs almost ready to go...
( 'Almost' being the key word )

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