Friday, February 4, 2011

The Secret Garden :: B.K.C

Today Barbara..Kristin...Chelsea and I went to :::
The Secret Garden...
(I stole this Title from Barbara)
(It was wonderful to have some models this time so I wasn't the only one!)

But first we went to visit this little Lighthouse...

(  )

(Good thing there is a FIRE Extinguisher here)
(Since there is no nearby access to water and everything)

(  )

(  )

(Is it weird that I love the color of this building?)

               Hyatt Hotel ::  Post Hurricane Ivan
                            (This is the first time the "Secret Garden's" identity has been revealed)
                                (Do not abuse this information please......)
(  )

(Fuzzy Fruit Seed Plants?)

(Coffee Anyone?)

(How about some water?)

(This reminds me of "The Shinning")
(The Movie)
(Stephen King?)

(  )

               GRAFFITI :::            Oh yes we found some NYC Graffiti in Cayman
(  )

(Shooting the Shoot)

                 Disclaimer ::   Dead Animal Picture
(Rat Bat)

(This is what photographers refer to as "Blown Out")
(It means that it was WAY too bright out and the camera couldn't pick up any information)
(Just a little Fun Fact)
(Hummmm I haven't done a 'Daily Knowledge' in a minute...)
(Ill have to do one soon)
(But not on this blog ... its already too long...)

(CS ... KK)
(Ohhh good thing your mom didn't give you a middle name like Kelly..)
(Your initials would be ... KK.. Well you get it)

(  )


(A lesson in the Ancient Art of  Kung-Ja-Jitz-Arate)
(Yes thats real and VERY serious)

(This move is called "The Atomic Tickler")
(Like the Atomic Elbow minus the elbow .... plus a Tickle ...)

(  )

 (  )

(I cant think of anything whitty to say about this pic...)
(But I like it)

(This is a Lioness and her cub)
(She asked me to keep the picture inconspicuous)
(Because she could be kicked out of her tribe for being photographed)

(This Lion however didn't have a care in the world)
(Chelsea didn't either)

(Until she found out that He was banished from the tribe)
(Because he fell in love with the pact leaders woman)
(And got caught trying to make sweet Lion Love to her)
(Love is dangerous....)

(  )

(Frame it)

(  )

(  )

(  )

(Strange grape like things on a palm tree)
(You got a better description?)
(Didn't think so...)

(  )

(  )

               BUTTERFLIES :::
(  )

(This is my favorite)

(  )

(  )


(This was a day care room .... "The Camp Room" )
(I can appreciate what they were trying to do here with these hand decorations)
(But now that its abandoned...)
(Its just creepy)

(I know someone with that middle name!!!)
(Its me)
(I would have thought you would have known that)
(HELLO !!)

(Even if the outside isn't pleasing to the eye)
(And the inside is unclear)
(The hidden truth can be beautiful)
(And complex)
(And worth the time to discover it)

(I know...I went there)

(  )

( not let your children try this at home)
(These are trained professionals)

(The first one is ugly)
(The second one...while weird is at least interesting)

(WHAT is this?)
(Ill tell you what it is...)
(Its a strange piece of art that somehow survived the Hurricane)
(Maybe its magical)

(Grass Ninja)
(I know you probably couldn't see her because she's hidden)
(Because she's a Ninja)

(Beauty in destruction)

(  )

(  )

(Id hope that you wouldn't try and dive into there)
(There are fresh water crabs in there)
(Seriously....I saw them)
(Ohh yeah... and its shallow)
(And BROWN.)

(  )

(  )

                       "Front Porch Market"
(This woman had set up a mini 'farmers market' on her front porch)
(What she's cutting is Sugar Cane)
(Apparently you can chew on it and suck out the sweet juice)
(Humm...that sounded dirty but I did NOT mean it that way)
(But was kind of gross...)
(Like chewing on wood)

(But this woman was Super Sweet)
(Gave us all a free taste)

(Thats a sweet potato)
(Barbara bought some so that I could take the pictures)
(Thanks homie !!)

And NOW.... Onto the BEST part of my Blog .....
(Yeah I did that...)
(I WISH that I did that)
(Graffiti is NOT vandalism by the way)
(If its done well that is)
(If its sloppy then it IS vandalism)

(Bad - Ass New Yorkers)
(Dont F with the Thrup)


(  )

(What can I even say?)
(The Iguana likeness is uncanny right?)
(I know...were professionals)

(My New Home!)
(I upgraded from the beach ..)

(Thank you Barbara)
(For somehow taking pics that make me look 'cool')
(I mean I AM cool....I just don't always look like it)

Ok that the end.
This blog took me FOREVER to do.
But the next one should be good to go soon...
Then I need to find something else to shoot..
Any Ideas???

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