Before I start this new adventure Id like to thank the people who helped me get here.
To all of you who let me crash on your futons/ beds/ couches; To all of you who let me vent and dealt with me when I was stressed; and To all of you who offered me support and wishes, I want to say
THANK YOU. You don't know how helpful you were, in not only keeping me off the streets (haha) but allowing me to learn some new things about myself and proving just how amazing all of you are (like I didn't already know)...
I LOVE shooting with you...thank you for your futon and leaving bugs bunny to keep me company. Thank you for cleaning for me, and I want you to know that there is NOTHING abnormal about someone who leaves their gift cards on the bathroom sink, or their sunglasses on the bathroom floor. And there are plenty of people color coordinate their closets. (There called OCD patients)
Jaclyn Seidel and Anthony Muscanera..... (did I spell those last names correctly?)
Over the past few months I feel like we have grown WIZE together.
THANK YOU BOTH FOR LOVING MY CATTT. You have the hardest job of all, keeping my "healthy but husky" cat fed. (Haha) No but on a serious means the world to me that you're foster parenting him because he is my SON and I wouldn't trust him with just anyone. IT is a HUGE weight off my shoulders that he is being loved and pet and spoken to just like I would do. (Not that he even seems to notice im Thank you for letting me Tivo Teen Mom and So You Think u Can Dance..and not judging my TERRIBLE spelling and grammar..Thank you for teaching me about poetry and opening my eyes to all the photo contests and opportunities there are for me out there, and just being a good friend. We'll always have the "steps" "GET A HOME". I love you.
JEANNA PIAZZA ... (did I spell your name correctly? christ Im a terrible friend!)
Well first off you are the ONLY person who actually arranged to have a swan swim by on the canal to make the night more romantic for us. Amazing. Thank you for sharing your delicious bed with me, even though I needed a step stool to get in it! Sooo comfy. And thank you for always having some kind of entertaining drama going on at your house (singing turkey telegram, half naked guy on the couch and the 3am broken sideview mirror wake up call) You def kept me laughing, and coming back for more!! We never wrote our list but always remember #47 is .."He will call me even if his fingers are orange from eating cheetos". I love you...
All I have to say is Eggs Eggs Eggs. Yum. Thank you for my OWN room, what a pleasure that was...although it did spoil me a little! Thank you for giving me my own razor and soap bar and for putting a bottle of cold water by my bed every night. I throughly enjoyed criticizing all those other photographers pics and have fond memories of our sweet 16. No more FSP for both of us, thank goodness...on to bigger and better things. I actually got Maya to not notice I was there so I could take some pics of her...she IS a good girl! Thank you for offering to let me straight live there with you for the whole time I was homeless, that was a super unselfish offer and I appreciate it. I love you...
Ahhh Maria. Thank you for your soft cozy couch, and thank you for sleeping on it with me. It felt like a true sleepover and not like I was crashing. AND I had NO IDEA that you had a cat!! He was so quiet and out of sight the whole time!
Mom and Dad.....
Jeeze where do I even begin. That you for always supporting me and my decisions, even though I keep making poor ones, and having faith that I will finally find my way. Thank you for helping me move all my stuff and dealing with the things that I didn't have a chance to. Dad, thank you for paying my tickets and help keep NYstate in business (haha). Thank you for letting me know that I always have a place to go no matter what happens and offering to take Tys, even though I know you didn't want to. Thank you for the gift of SIGHT, (glasses) and thank you for being the AMAZING parents that you have been to me. I love you both so much and Ill miss the shit out of you. (That curse was for u mom)
Again where do I start. I guess all I can say is thank you for loving me as long as you have and being my number one fan. (And not a creepy one like Robert DeNiro in "the fan") I never have to worry about bearing my soul to you and that fact alone has kept me going thru all the hard shit. I love your soul, my oldest friend. And Im just going to leave it at that bc I know you know how I feel about u. xoxoxox.
(I know this pic sucks but your wearing a 311 t-shirt so OBV I had to use we look so young and sweet...what happened to those girls? hahahaha)
Sean Burkley...
Well I have a lot to say to you also...but I think Ill keep that between us. I will say thank you for the late night swims, and for the talks under the star (yes I meant to keep that LI light pollution!) Thank you for the snuggling and everything that goes along with that. Ive learned a lot about myself during our time together and I know it might sound crazy but I wouldn't change a thing. I love you.
To everyone else who I haven't been able to mention...(bc this post has taken me about 3 hours..dl pics is Ridiculously time consuming) I haven't forgotten about you and I thank you all for everything you've done...large or small. I love you all.
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