Wednesday, October 9, 2013


We went to visit family in Arizona ...
I had a killer sinus and double ear infection.
I thought my eardrums were going to explode on the plane.
I think they almost did.
But it didn't keep me from shooting away !!

.... Tara and Bill Davis ....
Thank you so much for having me !
(And your welcome for gracing you with my radiant self)
< Grin >

Tara and Cherie ...
We went old school horseback riding.
My horse was practically dead he was so old.
Bills horse was like a bucking bronco.
But such a good time.

This is a horse
( Just in case you needed help identifying )

A horse who likes Martinis apparently.

Beeeeeeeeee ....

                                                                   North Mountain Park  

                                                                                  (  )

                                                                                   (  )


.. Also .. a Cactus ..

                                                           Do you know what this is?
                            Well If you don't that's too bad...
                                        You will be left struggling with this mystery foreverrrr.....
                                                     < Sinister Laugh > ... Obv.

                                                         Chullo ... or Coya ... ugh let me look it up ...
                                        ok its called  Cylindropuntia biglovii 
                                                                     Aka Cholla  .... Apparently copying that word has
                                      changed my font and I cant fix it ... So get ready for a change.

Apparently .... (Oh yay fonts back to normal!)
If this stuff brushes against you .. these microscopic spines come out and
anchor themselves inside your skin and you cant get them out,
until they decided to push themselves .. sometimes up to 6 months later !!
Scary ...

                                                          This is a ..... Yup.

                                                                                <   >

                    The.  Grand.  Canyon.
                               Day 1                                               (They weren't kidding with that name ! )
                                                                                ( )

(  Theres just something about that tree  )

                                                                     Dance Hiking
                               ( Yes its a real thing... )
                  ( I snuck up to these 'wild hikers' and quietly observed them in their natural habitat )
                                             < Its definitely something to behold >
                                                       ( Grin )

                                                                                (  )

(  )

                                               ( Phew !! )
                                   < Thank God for Bill or I would have surely died ! >

(  )

                                                                                 (  )

( Brother and sister )
( AKA: Giant Head and Pea Head )

                                                                ( Hang in there buddy !!)
                                           < I know the wind is strong but you can do it !! >

                                                                                  (  )

         Killer Sunset ....
                                                                                   (  )

                                                                                  (  )

                                                                                 (  )

                                                                             (  )

          Day 2
                                                                        ( Elk . )
                                 ( In case you hadn't seen one before. . I hadn't )

                                                                                (  )

      And then we went on a three mile hike down the mountain . . .
                                                                                 (  )

                                                                                 (  )

                                             ( What else is there to say really...)

                                                                     < Nice Ass >
                                ( Get you mind out of the gutter )
                                                        ( I am clearly referring to the donkeys )
         < Which FYI do not just carry people up and down that mountain, but also supplies
                                                                       needed for the hotel nestled down the road >

< Yes you are both very tough >
(Bill you might be more tough without that granola bar in your hand...)
< Just saying .. >

                                                           ( Clearly ready for his close-up )
                   < And most likely interested in Bills granola bar >

                   < For those of you who don't know...Feeding or getting near Elk during this
           time of the year is VERY dangerous...they are breeding and are irritable and should be as
       far away from you as you can get them.  They had signs EVERYWHERE >
            ( But this man thought it was a good idea to give this Elk some water.)
                    And then allowed his CHILD to hold the faucet for him.
                            And then the Elk started getting antsy. And then finally the man heeded the
               bizallion warnings and the shoutings from passer-bys. And took his child away.
                                                    ( Which makes this a good story )
                                                                      Wheres Cherie?
                                                                              Get it ?
                                 ( You know like 'Wheres waldo' but without the stripped shirt and hat )

                                                                            (  )

                                                    ( This tree kinda spoke to me also )

                                                                               (  )

                                                                             (  )

                                                                           (  )

                                                                (  Bill took this pic )
                         < Just in case you were wondering if I had magical powers and was
                                able to make the camera take the pic while I was all the way over there. >

                                                             < Oh Im sorry ... >
                            ( I hope you bought tickets because I don't give free shows )
                                  <  To the gun show people ... to the gun show >
                                                  < Sheesh >

(  Are those actually smiles ? )
( .... Oh wait .....)
< Grin >

< Wow >
( For all of you who are wondering.....)
< Bill BEGGED me to take this pic of him and to post it everywhere >
( I know.... kinda embarrassing )
< Grin >

           Catalina State Park
               Romero Pools
                   Tucson Az
<  >

                                ( Now thats a colorful grasshopper )

                                                                              (  )

                                                            ( " Theeeerrrrrreeee .....
                                         Once was a lizard who swallowed a fly, I dont know why
                              he swallowed that fly.... perhaps hell die .... )
                                                                         .. Yum ..

                                                                               (  )

                                                                                 ( )

                                                                               ( )

                                                ( Holy Mary pick a color buddy !!)

                     Cactus Spikes....
              ( Im sure theres a fancy official name )
                ( But I don't know it )
(  )

                                                                              (  )

             Romero Pools
                                                    ( ONLY a short 6 Mile journey )
                             ( UP HILL practically the whole time )
                                            < Did I mention I was sick as a dog ? >
            ( I really considered getting an emergency helicopter ride home...)
                      < Until I found out it was 5678 Trillion dollars to get one >
                                               < Grin >   (But seriously)

( It was beautiful and refreshing and totally worth it though )

( And the water had a red/orange tint to it)
 ( Due to the color of the soil ) 
(Obv )

(  )

 And what's a trip to Arizona without some guns ?
Im just going to leave it at that.

Thats all.
Thanks again Davis's 
We had an awesome time !!!

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