Sunday, May 6, 2012

April 15, 2012

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(Great Idea Mom L !)
(I think the unanimous decision was "Dont go to bed mad!")
(Personally my fav was "If Eric pisses you off call me and Ill beat him up")
(Wonder what genius wrote that!!)


(The 'Outfit')

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(Just Kidding Guys)
(Not really)


(Ah the moment of Realization...)

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(From Dad B....cutie)

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(Haha dont be nervous!)

(Haha Jenny you dont worry either!)

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(Wishing well...)
(And the recycled gift)
(Lol J)

(Best sister-in-law EVER!)
(Im talking about myself of course)
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( Now you better be baking me some cakes woman!!)

( Thank You's )

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( The 'Assembly line' )

("Oh thank you Vanna White")

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(Love this one)
(She was the best 'Shower Bitch' ever)

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(Ok so Jeanette will be my sister in law....)
(Ms B will be Erics mother in law...)
(What will our moms be to eachother?)
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(The Mellon-Baller Comment)
(Thats all Im going to say)

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("Oh yes I recognize this hat!! ITs the one you were supposed to get rid of!")

(Apparently that stands for "Best Friends Forever")
(Man what the kids come up with these days!!)
(Do NOT like the sound of that! 8)

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(Dont be mad I LOVE this Picture 8)

(Man too bad 'Carol' wasn't in this one)
(HaHa Carol....)

(Future mom...)


(Still Mmmmmmmm)

("Is this the cake we ordered?")
(Doesnt matter it was DELISH)

Thank you so much to everyone who came and contributed!!
We all had a wonderful time and are SOO
blessed that J will soon be Officially part of our Family!!
(Oh and Baucos good luck with Eric...JUST KIDDING)
We Love you Both

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