Friday, January 25, 2013

Intimate Apparel

Ah my First, well I should say All of our first
Naughty Photo Shoot!
Perhaps I should phrase it different....
Our first......
Intimate Apparel Shoot

My beautiful Model shall remain anonymous, 
Well.... Im not going to post her name....
and for those of you who do know her,
Pretend, like me that you don't
< Grin >

Break !!
I dont want to overload you with amazingness....
So I will give you some behind the scenes of the shoot....
Barbara and I picked 'her' up at 6am and she came out with 2
suitcases full of clothes and shoes and props !!
At first I thought it was ridiculous, 
until I realized what an excellent variety of photos
we were able to take because of it !!
(Although it was not fun to cart around ... It was totally worth it )
Ok you may continue ...

Thank Goodness we were on Island during the Holiday
season because there is NO WAY shed be able
to sit for this shoot in the freezing cold NY weather !!

It was a little tricky shooting on an Island with such 
specific and strict nudity laws and guidelines ..
But we got pretty good at running over and throwing a shirt 
on her when someone passed by so it wasn't that difficult 
to stay off the security guards radar....
Can you imagine getting arrested in a foreign country for
shooting a partially nude subject?
Hum....perhaps I should put THAT on my bucket list..
< Grin >

Barbara took the following photos :
They're amazing and I am obsessed with them !!!!
(Actual sprinkles! What a great idea!! )

                                            Thats all for now!
                               Thank you to Barbara and "?@#$%" for giving me the
                                   opportunity to shoot my first 'Intimate Apparel' job ...
                                                        I learned a lot and had an incredible time !!!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Becky and Kimmi

                                                    Congratulations Becky and Kimmi!
                                                                       9. 30. 12
                                      ( Yes Yes...a little belated but better late than never )
                                                           ( Thats what I always say )    
                                                                        ( Grin )

                                                                       ... Life IS Good ..


                                                                           ' In Awe '

                                         ( Everyone shows excitement in their own way )
                                                                          ( Grin )

                                                                        ( WE DO !!! )
                                                      ( The first Kiss as a Married Couple )
                                                                         ( Beautiful )

                                                          ( "Yeah they're upside down" )
                                                                       ( "Whatever" )

                                                      ( The Paparazzi has arrived !! )

                                                    ( The perfect ending to the perfect day )

        Again Congratulations to you both !!!