Monday, March 19, 2012

Back in Action.......

Wow its been a while......
A lot has happened...
Im gunna just start off from where I left off...
Which believe it or not was the Second week of August 2011...
This was my first trip to Vermont....

My Girl came and picked me up....and I finally stopped at that place on the Taconic
State Parkway...and took a pic of the GIANT.....HEAD !!!!
( I have no Idea what..what..when..or Why )
(All I know is where....)
(Yes Totally Weird)

(  )

(  )

(  )

(Even Marshes can be beautiful) 

( Yes folks....)
(Another one of my Illustrious homes )

(This is one of my favorite all time pics...)
(I know that seems odd...since Im such an AMAZING photographer )
(To me it means security and peace and love...and a road to the future)
(To cheesy?? )

( )

( Xmas flashback?)

(  )

(I wish this was the path to my home)


( )

(  )

( Time to....)


(Is this Heaven?)

(  )

(...Love it...)

( Ah Vermont ...)


(  )

(I love this story....)
Once upon a time a Boi named Cherie 
decided to scale down the mountain onto a little ledge below...

She was so happy with her new and different view....

Got all photojournalist on me....

And then boys and girls .....
She tried to get back up.....
Not realizing how slippery the moss was or that there was no groves for her feet...

So she climbed into a bush ... 

Hoping that she could get a grip on some branches to help her up

I could have gotten her up ....
But this nice man helped her instead..
He even offered to give her his shoes....
Thanks for saving the day Sir! 

(Everyone likes to go hiking)

(Butt berries?)

(  )

(  )

( Skylight )

(Shrooms anyone?)

(My big beautiful fungus Vs. her baby cut fungus)
(Hum....that kinda sounds awkward)

                                       The Quarry......
           (Which I couldn't jump off of bc SOMEONE threw me down a mountain and I
                              rolled my ankle and could barely walk....)
                  ( I wont name names but.....)
(  )

(He doesn't even look real...)

(  )

( The Woman in the rock )

(...Checking out the flipside..)

(This girl stood here for over 25 minutes trying to get the courage to flip backwards)
(Which she never did by the way....)
(I almost pushed her in myself...)

(This dude needs to get his own Girl...)
(Seriously its pathetic)
(Maybe they have some weird thing going on...)
(But thats an entirely different kind of blog...)

(Uh yeah....)
(It wont be as dangerous if you slide off a sharp edge into the water)

(  )

(And one fire crotch)

(  )

(  )

(I really love sun glare...)

(  )

(  )

(Defying gravity )

(  )

( Hi babe! )

(A rainbow from out of nowhere)

Thats it...
For this one....
I have so much more...
All of Thailand and India....
So keep up!!