Tuesday, September 27, 2011

In Honor of Ray E. Cauley

This Blog is Dedicated to 
A compilation of Photos from his Asian Adventure....



(  )

(In a Rearview of a "Tuk Tuk" (Thai open air cab))
(Bangkok Thailand)

(Ray at a WAT)

(The Hippie Bus...KhaoSanRow)
("Bus Bar")

(A night on the town)

(Getting ready to go up to the Mountain with Wilais family)

(These beetles live in the trees and when you smack the tree with a mallet they fall out and
you make "Bug Soup" out of them...)
(Ray chose to use them as Nipple Clamps instead)

(He also made them hug...)
(He Said....... "Love is everywhere")

(Ray and "His" dog Jessie...)

(He finally got his "Pancake")
(Custard..banana..raspberry..blueberry...lemon...lime (all glazes) AND....)
(Wait for it.....)
(Shredded HOT DOGS!!)
(It was really good though....)

(Ahh...he Pig Roast)
(Ray was so impressed that Wilai just "Got all up in there")

(On Tues the 6 of September Wilais family had a dinner in our honor)
(Her family members tied string around all of our wrists and blessed us with safe travels
 and good fortune...Ray was super excited by it...)

(String Party!!)
(We cooked our delish pork and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves...)

(Special thanks to Wilai and her family for having us )
(We had such an amazing time)

(Koh Sumai, Thailand)
(As always.....Ray taking a Picture...)

(R and W at the "Grandmother/Grandfather Rocks)
(Id explain but thats a whole other Blog..)

( Love )

(This was at the Temple with the Petrified Monk...)
(Its said if you put water on your hand...rub the center of the gong and get it to "ring")
(That you get to make a wish...)
(After a few tries Ray got it to make the sound....)
(Wonder what he wished for....)

(On the Mountain in Koh Sumai)

(He asked me to take this one to prove to his mom that he was really here...)

(The view was incredible)
(Really makes you just wanna stop and sit and think...)
(This was totally Candid....A-Mazing)


(FYI...PLanking is when you lay flat on random things at random places...)
(And it CRACKED US UP !!!)

(This is in India Tower)
(I HATE India so I didn't learn anything about it)

(Sleeping Beauties)



Rays Favorite Iphone App : : HISTOGRAM
(It takes pictures like the old school Poloroids)
(We joked around that I wasn't allowed to use the App bc he didn't want any competition)
(I did anyway of course)
(Me and Melania)

(I know I look it....But I am NOT Jewish)


(Ann and I on the first 12 hour train ride...)
(In first class!!)


(R and W in their first class train "Room")

(The WAT that contains the Largest Golden Buddha)

(The Largest Golden Buddha)
(He weighs over 5 tons...is 700 years old and is valued more than 40,000,000$ US)

THIS is RAY's all time FAVORITE picture...
He kept saying he was going to enter it into a competition....
I agree...Its amazing...

(The roof of the WAT)
(Oh BTW a "WAT" is the Thai name for "Temple")

                       This "Story Board" cracked Ray up.....
Sara, "Oh Wilai...give me some love"
Wilai, "Hell no.."

Sara, "Come on you know you wanna !!"
Wilai, "Hahaha Stop it.."

Wilai,  "Oh alright"

(Taken on the steps of Big Buddha)

                     Rays second favorite Iphone App : : AROUND THE WORLD
(Taken at Big Buddha also)
(They are wish/prayer jars labeled with all the days of the week)

(He called this...'Flying Buddha)

(  )

(Happy Buddha)

(Seriously he's pretty happy....)


(GANESH !!!)

(A Rasta Band in Koh Sumai, Thailand)

(This ones pretty cool....)

(Ganesh AGAIN !!)
(Im obsessed)

(This was a WAT on the way to Koh Sumai Mountain)
(It is one of the only ones that have snakes instead of dragons as "Decor")

(This was taken at the Petrified Buddha Temple)


(R and W)

(Me on the boat on the way back to Surat Thani from Koh Sumai, Thailand)

(Since I hate being in front of the camera Ray made it his job to take as many
pictures of me as he could .... it drove me crazy...)
(He swore he was going to post all of them...)
(Im only putting up a few...to honor his humor )

(Children of India)

THESE next FEW pictures are a MIX of Ann and My Cell PHONES...
(We smoked out first Hooka with Ray...)
(Green Apple...delish)

(Rays favorite 7-11 snack...)
("Cheesedog Salad" he called it...)
(ITs a cut up hotdog stuffed with Cheese...and all the condiments that are meant
for other things that he stole and doused with salad dressing)
(He's nothing if not creative)

(At the market in Wilais village ... this WONDERFUL woman made us the BEST
Fried Rice...Fried Egg and Lime I've ever had...)

(Ray and Ann had a joke going..."What WAT")
(When referring to the temples...she didn't get what he meant at first and it became a trip fav)
(So when we got to this restaurant in Surat Thani by the train station I couldnt resist...)
("Wut Restaurant?")

(Fried Chicken and Sticky Rice...)
(Don't judge...your just jealous)

(The four of us as "Big Buddha")

(Me and Ray...) 
(My own Personal Chauffeur)

( R and W on the third 12 hour train ride....Second Class)

(AHHHHHHHH...the infamous Tissue Box)
(So we squeezed into this car with all of our bags and Ray had his bag in the front seat...
after we had made some room in the back we told him to pass it back to us and as he did
accidentally knocked over this "FANCY" tissue box and the driver BUGGED OUT..
he started huffing and talking smack in Thai and we were all hysterical and he finally
pulled over and "Re-Pinned" it back up...so Naturally we had to take a picture of it!)

(Ray convinced us that all Indian food wasn't going to make us sick...)

(He was right...Butter Chicken...Chicken Sizzler..Garlic Naan...AMAZING)

                                                     ANNIES PICTURES : : 
(A blended Picture of us on the mountain in Ngon SangBan )
(Wilais village...I hope I spelt that right)

(Nice cig pack....and my "Peach" lighter that Ray picked out for me...)

(A non blended version)

(At a Park in Surat Thani...)
(We had a Picnic waiting for the Train to Bangkok)

(All Asians do the Peace Sign by the face thing...)
(Its hysterical to see it happen everytime...)

(In a cab....not sure where..)
(We were in so many)

(Ray next to "Eyeball Fruit")
(Im not sure of the technical name but thats what the consistency was like...)
(Not that Ive ever eaten an eyeball to compare it to...but id imagine...)

(Cuties on the bridge on the "Champagne River" in Bangkok)

(The "Hippie Bus" on Khao San Row at night)

(Driving up to the mountain in W's village)
(Sorry theses photos are all over the place Im just feeling too lazy to move them all around)

(The four of us at the Taj-Ma-SMALL)
(This was our last day all together....)

(R and W.....)

We Bought you a Big Mac today....
Your favorite....
Wish so much that you were here to eat it with us....

Ray...I find solace in the fact that you went to sleep happy and excited for 
a new day....that you were full of passion and dreams and lived a crazy life full
of smiles and laughter....
I know that there is no end to you....perhaps your on your way to enlightenment right now...
Wherever you are know that you are admired...respected...loved and will now be 
terribly missed...but never Forgotten...