Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Lets just start at the beginning...
Well....This was the week my Brother Eric and his woman Jeanette came to visit.
Things were going great until he left Kris and Chels's place to get a beer and
returned with a sore bottom and soaking wet pants.....

This is what happens when people who rent apartments don't think its impt to clean...
And then the water heater explodes because your Landlord could give two shits
about the fact that you've been asking him to replace it for two months.

(Thank goodness I had a team of trained professionals to help clean up the mess)

(Id say this is an official flood)

( )

(It went all the way into the Kitchen)

<....The Next Night...His Final Night in Cayman....>
(It wasn't actually bad at all...minus Eric feeling like his foot was run over by a Mac Truck)
(There was this cutie little boy who entertained us by dancing...)
(And J's super hysterical Weird Pictures App....)

               March 19.  2011               "The closest the Moon's been in 20 years ..."
(Purple Skies....)

( Crazy that THIS... is out there .... )

(  )

(They said it was the "Closest" the moon was going to get to earth for 40 years)
(Still looks pretty damn Far Away to me...)

         Party Boat  XXVVIII   ...                                                    (Yes Im being dramatic)
                                                                       ( And no I have no idea what number that translates into)
(Yeah they'll make you wish you HAD an EX)
(As in your going to want to be single so you can date THEM...)
(Because ....)
(This is getting weird and complicated)

(Not in that order)

(Star Point)

( E )

(  )

(  )

(  )

(Kick off your Sunday Shoes...)

( My Stars ..... )

(  )


(Im not sure who...)
(But someone...straight and narrow said to me....)
("If I were him..Id wear Vertical Strips on the bottom..and Horizontal on top...)
(Good Call.....)

(Two Lovely Ladies...)
(Hump Dancing)

(Eeeeeven Better)

(  )

              The "Cuban" and Kristin Dance Off . . .   begins now.....
(Is this backwards??)
( Hum...)
(Yes AND No ?)

(Thats what Dave's wondering anyway....)

(Get it....)

(Let him know Homie...)

(This is a Cubans version of "Pole Dancing")
(Even though it more closely resembles "Pole....Jumping")

(Bein' all Prim and Proper...)

(Um....Whats happening here....?)

(There dancing!!)
('Bachata' Anyone?)

(They pierce right through you)

(John ... Ooooo)

(2000$ Camera)
(200$ Flash)
(50$ Memory Card)
(10$ (CI) Boat Admission)
(Kristens face..)
     (  Ahhhh... What is this....?? ) 
                ( You WOULD want to know wouldn't you...)
 (  Nosey... )

(Any TRUE 'Industry Worker' would already know what it is....)
 ( Look ...  Even John-O is annoyed by your ignorance...)

              FLAIR BARTENDING FIRE SPITTING !!!                             (Obv.)
(  )

( .. Heart .. )

( What do you see ?? )
(An Eagle?)
(An Elephant?)
(A medieval symbol?)

( Look closely at his mouth...)
(He is literally breathing fire...)

And onto the NExt...
Don't worry..
It'll only take a year...
(HaHa Ninja)